4 year old boy wants to be a Youtube streamer

Fundraising campaign by Matej Brozovic
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So where to begin? Crazy dad (me) wants to make his boy wish comes true.

The story begins when my 4 year old boy started playing Fortnite. At first I was not happy that he wants to play video games but in the end when I read some articles about how kids brain is progressing when they are playing video game, somehow I ease it up. He is now 53 months old and I can tell You that he is pretty good at it. I am 30 years old and he is a lot better than me but that doesn't mean anything because maybe I am really bad at it. So he is playing it on a Playstation 4 and he saw some kids on Youtube that are streaming how they are playing so he asked me if he could do the same. Unfortunately my answer was no but not beacuse i don't want to make his dream come true but beacause we live in a small apartment and don't have capacity for gaming table, camera, microphone, gaming chair and everything else that comes with this. So, he really is a smart boy so he told me: "I saw on a Youtube that you could ask people for help by raising money so we can buy a new apartment and then I could have a streaming studio".

My first thought was: "Not a chance, I would not ask anyone for money!". But after some time I made a decision that it doesn't cost me anything to at least try to raise some money for a new apartment and at last fulfill my sons wish. I must admit that my wife and I aren't poor people and we are living pretty good life but there is no chance that we could raise money in next 25,30 years for a new apartment.

And that is a whole story. I know that is probably not gonna work but You never know. :)


  • Matej Brozovic
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of €50,000.00 goal
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