2020 kids school project

Fundraising campaign by Ndugutse Eric
  • US$0.00
    raised of $1,500.00 goal goal
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We will start a

up a school for orphans and poor children in Uganda,many of them don't go to school because they don't have money to pay because they are poor.

If we open up this school we are sure the large number of kids will turn up for school because we shall be paying teachers who will start teaching them and on the number of kids we need 6 teachers and and qualified teacher in Uganda is $100 dollars a month and one year has three terms and one term has three months. We shall be very happy to get your support and if you have any gift to give those kids it is good we shall appreciate and if you will to visit them in Uganda or you are traveling to Uganda and you wish to visit them in the refugees camp you are very welcome and they will be very happy to see you.


  • Ndugutse Eric
  • Executive director

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raised of $1,500.00 goal
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