Zoe and Joaquin’s Insulin and Medical Supplies Funding

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My name is Joel E. Lacandazo, 45 years old and a father to 2 kids, Zoe Margaux Lacandazo, 5 years old. And Julian Joaquin Lacandazo, 4 years old. They are both Type 1 diabetic - insulin dependent for their lifetime. Zoe was diagnosed way back 2015 when she was just 3 years old. We didn't have any idea about her situation. We just thought that she had a simple throat infection. We almost lost her when she had DKA. Acid was already in her bloodstreams and she was almost comatose when we brought her to the hospital. That was when the doctors told us that she was diabetic and she will be insulin dependent for the rest of her life. It was really difficult for us especially that she's just a little girl. Telling her that she could no longer have sweets or chocolates. She cried a lot. She also didn't like to be injected. Resistance was always there. We needed to test her blood sugar 4 times a day and inject her with insulin twice a day. It was really a struggle at first. Then came the next problem. My salary is not enough to compensate for her needs. Test Strips and insulin is expensive. And we also need her disposable syringes. We struggled and with the help of my family and some friends, we were able to meet her needs - barely. Now came my youngest son. He was diagnosed with the same type of diabetes just last 9th of May. It was another blow. But we have to accept it. Our burden is now doubled. Insulin, test strips, disposable syringes. And to be honest, I really cannot afford it anymore. We are now living with my sisters, because I could no longer pay for my house rent.But it is still not enough. We have even ran out of Test Strips and we just inject them without knowing their blood sugar levels.My sister advised me to open a fundraiser. I am doing this for my babies. We really need your help. Please help us. Thank you and God Bless you all.


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  • IMUS, PH

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raised of ₱250,000.00 goal
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