Little help to go to college

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Total: ₱100.00
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Hi everyone! By the way, this campaign is for my sister who is currently studying. The reason why I have this fund raising for her is because I want her to successfully continue her studies. She actually stop for almost 2 years due to uncontrollable circumstances. She was supposed to enter 1st yr college on 2015, however my family could not afford to send her in (my father had a stroke earlier in 2014 and we are struggling in our finaces) also I am on my 3rd year of college that time. So she decided to get a work in a small store as an attendat (she is also the one sending me allowances that time). Earlier in 2016, I decided to find a job while studying and saved enough money to survive in that whole year by myself. But I felt bad when I saw my sister talking to her friends who are having there time of their life, so I decided to let her in using my funds, still it wasn't enough that she was only able to finish one semester. After 2 years, I graduated and that is her opportunity, however there has been a hike of tuition fee. Yes, I got a job, but I could barely budget to give her portion because I am still on the process of paying back for my college fund, it is only been less than a year since I graduated. Any help would be very much appreciated.

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Raised offline: ₱100.00
Total: ₱100.00

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