Your donation can bring smile of thousand unemployed people through EjobsBD

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EjobsBD is a largest job searching web platform in Bangladesh. It has been working for thousand of unemployed people from five years. It is totally free for jobseeker even it doesn’t charged any kinds of fee for any other activities. A large number of unemployed people getting help from this free job seeker platform. You know that Bangladesh have a huge unemployed youth the number of people most probably 40million. Most of the jobseeker is student they have recently completed graduation or masters degree for different educational institute. Bangladesh government try to creating new job sector and expand enough but is not enough for the huge number of people. Privet and multinational companies also expand their business now a days. There are a lot of vacancies are created but rural and urban area’s people not get the information for communication gap.We EjobsBD has been started our journey before five year and the main goal of our platform is help to serve the vacancies announcement from everywhere in Bangladesh. Even make them eligible for the job. To make them prepare and compatible for every job exam we offer them to take part in the exam through our platform it is totally free. We offer different types of model exam according to original exam.

There is a system to notify every subscriber of our web portal by SMS or email as they do not miss any vacancy. We support our platform users by providing exam vacancy notice, model question, suggestion, preparation tips, employment training, viva tips, sharing experience of expert, free workshop, motivational speech and tips, jobs and exam notification above all of united help for getting a suitable jobs from one platform. Our expert technician and skilled management system keep all of activities decorated and well organized. They only work for the jobseekers dream continuously. All the service EjobsBD provide to jobseeker free. All ready a huge number of unemployed youth got their suitable job by the help of EjobsBD. Not only the virtually we are helping the people but also we meet them actually through in a conference, workshop, or in a program. It gives us pleasure when somebody is helped by us and we participate in once dream fulfill.

For maintain and run this huge platform and activity of EjobsBD management needs a lot of money monthly. But the platform of EjobsBD is totally free for users. We collect job circular from different source and post in our portal and serve them to job seekers. The process of our system is totally free and open source. With this service we add many more for our subscriber all are the service we provide totally free. EjobsBD monthly needs 2lacks BDT to maintain and provide all of services to the unemployed peoples. It is very much tough to the management only to collect and spend the money without any income. EjobsBD managements have been handling all of expenses by their own pocket but now it is very difficult to bear the expenses. For the lack of money a running reputed and successful project are going to close. It is a big threatened for the huge number of unemployed people in Bangladesh. We have already prayer to Government and other related authority and wealthy persons for expanding their helping hand to save this project and save the dream of thousand of unemployed people in Bangladesh.

EjobsBD is also working for skilled man power and make the way to sand them foreign country for working. If you need any kind of man power for your company and service then contact with us. We will give you the best solution and serve the best manpower for your company. I hope you will do something for save our project and help to run our project properly. We also always ready to help you by skilled man power. We know that it is not a big deal for you; you can easily donate some money for save our project as we continue this properly and provide you help too.

Mata description: A running and successful online platform is going to close only for money. To save this project and keep running expand your helping and donate some money.


  • Amor Chandra Das
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of €3,000.00 goal
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