World Life Travel Channel

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Raised offline: $2,500.00
Total: $2,500.00
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World Life Travel Channel is a global web channel that showcase the world samllest to the biggest destination. Unlike National Geographic , this channel showcases not only travel and adventure, but also culture, religion, ancient history, geographical reason for natural disasters, scientific discoveries, promotes sports, knowldege on how taboo practices still exists in ever region, series on crime, criminal and the securit, series on the brave defense system of the countries, the politics, automobiles and real estate. WLT is formed with a motto of bringing world and lives close to each other, celbrating culture, celebrating life and celebrating creation !

Kindly donate this channel to grow as this could bring stability to channel to promote the series world wide. The employees shall be paid and also some proportion will go the Charity adopted by the channel.

Sponsors shall be given credit in the end credit of the each series the channel shall produce.

Your one dollar could make difference ! Lets change the world ! Lets come closer !


a small message of the donor/sponsor to be displayed during/before/after the series. Thank giving message by the channel to the donors/sponsors


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Donated So Far
Raised offline: $2,500.00
Total: $2,500.00

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