Web apps for a better world

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Hi, my name is Diyan.

I am a self-employed web-developer with a passion for creating free web-projects that help turn our planet into a better place. I am based in Bulgaria and currently my projects are focused towards the local communities but I have a vision for making those global for a greater impact.

Currently all of my work is self-funded and free for use by everybody.

I would like to continue the evolution of my projects and grow them while keeping them free for use and ad-free too.

I am starting this campaign in an effort to get financial support that will help me support, develop and advertise my projects. Since all my projects are 100% self-funded this makes them vulnerable to unfortunate events(like me not being able to pay for hosting or a domain name renewal).

There are four projects that I currently develop simultaneously which this campaign is about:

- Bee112.bg: a free project focused towards helping the Bulgarian beekeepers protect their bees from being poisoned by unlawful use of pesticides and other agricultural chemicals. This project is being developed with the direct help of beekeepers.

- Green.bg: a free membership marketplace platform for local farmers, artisans and start-up enthusiast. The project is focused towards promoting a healthy lifestyle through healthy food and supporting local farmers by providing a direct consumer-producer link. The project also adresses a general global seedkeeping issue by providing the users with a software module for seed bank management.

- Vodichka.org: a free volunteer platform focused on creating an online catalog of drinkable natural fresh water springs, wells and sources. The platform also serves as a center for organizing litter clean-up campaigns around water sources. One of the long-term goals of this project is to provide users with information about the different qualities of every water-source by doing a laboratory chemical analysis of probes from each water source(thus additional funding is required).

- Torbichka.org: a free membership marketplace platform for tailors that are creating textile bags from organic and recycled materials. The project is focused towards promoting the use of textile bags instead of single-use plastic bags. The plarform also gives an opportunity for hobby-enthusiasts to get additional income by offering their products on the platform.

Thank you for taking the time to look into my initiative.
I will be happy to continue growing these projects with your support!



  • Diyan Kabaivanov
  • Campaign Owner

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