We need help to get my girlfriend back to Thailand

Fundraising campaign by Jan Granlund
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My name is Jan and my girlfriend's name is Kanokporn.

We need help to get my girlfriend Kanokporn back to Thailand from Sweden.

2015 I felt dizzy and went to the Doctor in Sweden. After several tests and meetings, the doctor said I was "burned out".
I have a one-man company for many years and it was a struggle to get the economy to work. So it was a lot of stress.

He also told me some worrying words!
-Your test is not good and you don't know if you live next week!!!
-So you need to start to eat these medicines right now!
And you need to change your way of living he said.

Ok!!??? The world turned upside down!

Scared of course but I start to think about what I like to do before I die!

What do we need in life? Food!
So I leave everything in Sweden, I don't have any children, and my parent is dead.
So I did go to Thailand and open a restaurant on the island of Koh Chang and thinking if I have food and a more slow life maybe that's the recipe for me.
And my doctor agrees and said -Try!

I have 8 different medicines when I arrived in Thailand in 2016, everything went well and I start to feel better.
After two years I had stopped with every medicine. On the doctor's advice of course. So change the life worked.

And i met Kanokporn, and cell in love.

So far so good, but in January 2019 everything starts to go really bad. We have a car accident. Front to front.
In the car were me, Kanokporn and two of her three children, and her brother's daughter.
Everyone gets badly hurt in different ways.

The police said it was my fault!
Everyone involved knows what happened. If we have been to Sweden it hadn't been any problem.

We did get help with the car insurance from the used car salesman. We think that Everything was in order. But the insurance didn't cover the accident!

I call two different foreign lawyers in Bangkok, both said -You going to lose either way. Just pay!

So we lose our car, and we have to pay for the other car and the medical costs for the other man and us.
But now my savings was gone.

Ok, Bad yes! But most important, no one died.
And we have a restaurant so we have food and a small income.

March 2020 the covid-19 close the restaurant!

We had to do something, so we borrow money from friends and did go to Sweden to pick up berry, I have heard that we can make good money.
Before we go I checked on the internet and communicate with different berry companies. Everything sounds good.
But it was not easy and it was not enough, so we stay in a borrowed car for four months to save money, so we can send a little bit of money back to Thailand to Kanokporn's children.

In November I get a job as a salesman for alarm. Very good! But at the same time, the winter starts in Sweden and we have to have an apartment.
But it was one problem, the guaranteed salary is very low, and if you don't do the correct number of demos you only get the provision.
In these Covid times, it's not easy to meet people and do demos.

So my salary as a beginner is only about 648 Euro/780 Us Dollar. / Month.
We have a small apartment for 350 Euro, electric 37 Euro, phones 10 Euro, internet 39 Euro.
I had a credit card with 120 Euro I have used 100% for food and send money for the children.

I have tried to make money online in so many different ways, but it not easy with no startup money.
Now we fishing and before the winter we did pick up and sell apples, pears, mushrooms, berries, did jam, bread, and cakes, and knitting baby clothes but it's not enough with only 24 hours in an expensive land like Sweden.

The restaurant has been for sale since last year at a very cheap price but no one likes to buy in Covid times.
Even if it's a very good location on the island Koh chang.

Now Kanokporn's Visa soon runs out and the immigration doesn't give her a new one and no work permit.

We had hoped we get more time so I could get another job with a better salary so I could save some money or borrow some for her ticket back to Thailand. It's super sad but we do think it's better she go back and start working on a farm again, and I stay in Sweden and work here.
I hope I can go back to Thailand someday and meet Kanokporn again. We did have a life together there.

I have tried to borrow from about 100 different banks/finance institutes.
It's a big No with that low salary!

Now we have panic. We don know what to do!

The money that will go to Kanokporn´s ticket is 900 Euro/1083 Us Dollar and the covid test is 125 Euro /15 Dollar.

So if some good-hearted people can help us now we would be very, very grateful and promise that we take good care of you if you come visit Thailand after this Covid-19 crisis.

We can pick you up at the airport, give you real Thai food. Use our connection to get a good price on hotels at Koh Chang. Or guide you up in northern Thailand.

It's not easy to say -Please help!
And our strength starts to run out so we don't see any other solution! So -please help!

Our best regards
Kanokporn and Jan

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Jan Granlund


Fellingsbro, Örebro län


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raised of €1,200.00 goal
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