Support our Call for Applications and Nominations | WAFA

Fundraising campaign by WAFA Awards
  • kr250.00
    raised of kr11,000.00 goal goal
2% Funded
3 Donors
Raised offline: kr1,585.00
Total: kr1,835.00
Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.
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Help us to light up the silent heroes worldwide!

To process the growing number of quality award candidates, WAFA needs to acquire professional software (Award Force - Awards Management Software).

It will support our Call for Applications and Nominations. WAFA strives to become a global mainstream awards platform that enables exceptional sustainability entrepreneurs to scale and replicate their solutions worldwide, to benefit mankind now! Support us in helping communities secure access to healthy water, healthy food, or clean air!

In addition to fundraising for our Award Registrations and Nominations process that will help us launch the 2021 Award event, you contribute to creating awareness of the change we need to make to restore people and the planet, on the massive scale needed.

Through this platform we:
- Design new compelling Award categories aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular #1 No Poverty, #2 Zero Hunger, #6 Clean Water and Sanitization), #7 Affordable and Clean Energy, #12 Responsible Consumption and Production, #13 Climate Action, #15 Life on Land);
- Develop regional affiliates to identify local award candidates and partners;
- Develop partnerships with corporations, government agencies, research institutions, impact investors, and philanthropists.

With your support, we can ensure that we are able to fulfill our fundraising and continue to create a global awards platform to celebrate the sustainable innovations of silent heroes everywhere.

Support us in helping communities secure access to healthy water, healthy food, or clean air!

Fundraising Team

  • WAFA Awards
  • Project Leader
  • Maria- Cecilia
  • Campaign Coordinator
  • Tina Lindgreen
  • Project Leader
  • Anna-lena Roppelt
  • Social Media Manager



No updates for this campaign just yet

Donors & Comments

3 donors


Tina Lindgreen
Kirsten Østergaard
Tina Lindgreen
raised of kr11,000.00 goal
2% Funded
3 Donors
Raised offline: kr1,585.00
Total: kr1,835.00

Help this ongoing fundraising campaign by making a donation and spreading the word.

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