Want to fly!

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Raised offline: €50.00
Total: €50.00
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Hello. My name is Valentina. I have problem with hormone, theroida, weight, ovary , liver and stomach, and I loose my hair on head! I need to go in gym, pool. Eat right food. And have tratament. This all I need to make my organs work batter and it halp me to loose weight. I need to loose fifty kilo in this year. I feel very bad and can't work normally and live normally. MY life is very gray and sad. I have twanty six years only...but I feel like granny in my mind. If u can halp me for analises and tests and tratament in this two months it will be very good! I will use money on tratament gym and right food! It wilk be very good gor few months! I like to sing, if somebody want to join me and I can thank you like this it will be very nice!Thank you!


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Donated So Far
Raised offline: €50.00
Total: €50.00

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