Volunteering In India

Fundraising campaign by yoyojeet
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I'm saving up to volunteer in Mumbai in September 2013. I'll be helping out at a project that provides key services like safe shelter, education, health care and rehabilitation for girls affected by trafficking and sexual violence.


"Kranti is a women's rights NGO that provides a healing home, comprehensive education and personalized opportunities to India’s socially disadvantaged young women in order to empower and equip them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence necessary to build fulfilling futures and become agents of positive change in the world."

I am so privileged to have the opportunity to work at this organisation and learn from the amazing work that they do. This is a trip of a lifetime and I'm going to be working as hard as I can to make it happen!
In 2011 I spent 3 months volunteering in a refugee camp in Palestine, developing and leading the same craft workshops I'll be taking to India. I'm saving up to pay-my-own-way again, so that the charity doesn't have to foot the bill for my travel and accommodation. It's getting close to travel time now and I estimated that I wasn't going to reach my original target so the new aim is to raise enough stay for 6weeks!

I'll be so grateful for any contributions that anyone would like to make to help cover the costs of this trip and the materials for the workshops I'll be running. I've detailed some rewards but every little helps and I welcome any and all donations!

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religion unites never devides




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