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Tara Grove

Joined on Jan 28, 2021

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Tara Grove
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Bring healthcare to 7 deprived Mamprusi villages in rural Ghana: Zambulkura, and six nearby communities.
Location Zambulkura and its six neighboring communities; Tichirigitaba, Jarigitinga, Sumanitinga, Boritinga, Yonyooranyili and Zamblugu, are situated in the remote and. . . . .
13 Donors
£524 raised
Bring healthcare to 7 deprived Mamprusi villages in rural Ghana: Zambulkura, and six nearby communities.
Location Zambulkura and its six neighboring communities; Tichirigitaba, Jarigitinga, Sumanitinga, Boritinga, Yonyooranyili and Zamblugu, are situated in the remote and. . . . .
13 Donors
£524 raised