User profile

Lynette Lim
Langkawi, MY

Joined on Aug 2, 2019

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Spay/neuter stray Langkawi puppies!
12 beautiful dogs were dumped in my neighborhood. I have already neutered all the adults with donations received previously but. . . . .
4 Donors
RM1,500 raised
60% funded
Spay/neuter stray Langkawi kittens!
Fundraiser! Help needed to sterilize these 6 cats! Saffron, Cinnamon, Pepper, Paprika, and Sorbet are now over 4 months old. . . . .
2 Donors
RM300 raised
25% funded
Lynette Lim
hasn't followed a campaign yet
Lynette Lim
hasn't funded a campaign yet