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Joan Demafelis

Joined on Apr 4, 2019

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We need your help to fund Chie’s Chemo and other medical expenses
Kristlyn "Chie" Aguilar is a very loving daughter, sister, girlfriend and a friend. Just last April 3, a cyst was. . . . .
7 Donors
₱17,000 raised
3% funded
Funeral Assistance for Roger Aparri’s daughter
Roger lost his 16-year old daughter due to complications from a UTI. We are raising money to support his family
2 Donors
₱5,100 raised
10% funded
Funeral Assistance for Roger Aparri’s daughter
Roger lost his 16-year old daughter due to complications from a UTI. We are raising money to support his family
0 Donors
₱0 raised
Joan Demafelis
hasn't followed a campaign yet
Funeral Assistance for Roger Aparri’s daughter
Roger lost his 16-year old daughter due to complications from a UTI. We are raising money to support his family
2 Donors
₱5,100 raised
10% funded