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Ma. Robel Morales

Joined on Feb 24, 2019

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Ma. Robel Morales
hasn't posted a campaign yet
I would like to start this story by describing how my Mother raised us. First, she got all of us six of her children. Unfortunately, our father left us. Since my mother is the only one left to raise us, feed us and of course support us for our education, she had no choice but to went on work day and night for all of her children regardless if she's tired and haven't slept at all. She taught us how to become a God fearing people. Taught us to become humane and never forget to help other people specially in times of trouble. Never to expect anything in return but help and thank the Lord for all of the blessing He had given us.Yes, we are not rich. Sometimes, meals are not enough to survive the day but still, our mother managed to keep us alive. They say that you have to love your mother because you only have one. And that life is too short to not spend everything back or pay everything back to your mother. So as being her eldest daughter who loves her and will do the very best only for her survival, I am seeking for your help to save my Mom. She is in the ICU due to moderate stroke and part of her brain is bleeding. I am asking with all humility and kindness for all your help. Her Maxicare is already exhausted and we will be needing to get to pay the additional fees. She is at Tri City Medical Center and really needs your help. I am asking for all of your help for her. May God bless us all. Thank you. I would like to start this story by describing how my Mother raised us. First, she got all. . . . .
4 Donors
₱4,000 raised
Ma. Robel Morales
hasn't funded a campaign yet