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Lovely Joselle Borja

Joined on Jan 5, 2019

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Lovely Joselle Borja
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Fund raising for Mikhail’s hospital running bill and brain hemorrhage treatments
Mikhail is a caring mother of 12 and 10-year-old girls and a 4-month-old baby boy. For more than a decade,. . . . .
26 Donors
₱70,000 raised
2% funded
Fundraising for Lolo Primo and Lola Gavina Borday
Lolo Primo, 82 years old and Lola Gavina Borday, 84 years old were married and they've been together for 70. . . . .
29 Donors
₱31,308 raised
62% funded
Lovely Joselle Borja
hasn't funded a campaign yet