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Cloud 9

Joined on Apr 30, 2018

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Cloud 9
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Help Andrew Fight Leukemia
Every leukemia patient deserves a fight. The words of one of the doctors struck me as many would consider having. . . . .
20 Donors
₱58,300 raised
1% funded
Help me fund my bone marrow transplant
I am Noel Cendana from the Philippines. I am 53 years old. I am an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) Working. . . . .
237 Donors
$9,453 raised
9% funded
Help me fund my bone marrow transplant
I am Noel Cendana from the Philippines. I am 53 years old. I am an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) Working. . . . .
237 Donors
$9,453 raised
9% funded