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Egbert Hart
Peterborough, UK

Joined on Oct 4, 2015

I have been married to my loving wife for 13 years now. On 29th of November 2015 she was diagnosed with breast cancer with a tumor they found on her breasts. The doctor says that if caught and dealt with early it should not be a problem once it has not spread or don't spread. My wife has always done lots of charity work and I am truly praying that there are compassionate people out there who can help me with this dark moment in our life. I don't want to lose my wife to cancer. I am working day and night to try and raise the money to carry out her operation. I would rather die helping her than see her suffer to this terrible illness. When you truly love someone your heart and spirit is truly there with them. I like to thank you for reading this and thank you even more if you have the heart and mind to help us in anyway small or big. Thank you for taking the time to read my plea.

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