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Fatima Puskar

Joined on Apr 2, 2023

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Fatima Puskar
hasn't posted a campaign yet
Please give the people of Palestine Gaza your zakat,
Please give the people of Palestine Gaza your zakat, they are the most deserving people to help. Help and support. . . . .
48 Donors
$1,441 raised
‏Feeding poor families in Ramadan, Palestine, Gaza 2023🌃🌙
‏Feeding poor families in Ramadan, Palestine, Gaza 2023 ‏Our dear followers Dear followers, Basma Relief Society works in refugee camps.. . . . .
107 Donors
$3,560 raised
50% funded
Please give the people of Palestine Gaza your zakat,
Please give the people of Palestine Gaza your zakat, they are the most deserving people to help. Help and support. . . . .
48 Donors
$1,441 raised