Urgent need for medical help to an Egyptian girl

Fundraising campaign by nashwa khadir
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For all good hearts in the world ,

I'm a 30 years old Egyptian girl , looking for some assistance for my medical bills , individually are pilling up , as I'm suffering some serious medical proplems : a generalized tonic-clonic epilepsy ( Grand Mal ) , partial seizures & spams , Hypothyrodism , polycystic ovary syndrome which devolped into ovarian tumor , endomaterial hyperplasia , panic attacks , dysthymia ( persistent depressive disorder ) and Autoimmune disease ( besides a serious suspection in having another brain tumor at the left upper side if the brain blurring vision currently & causes horrible pains )..

I've been struggling to afford my high medical expenses along years , but my condition gone worse lately , I have the opportunity to get medical insurance to help with my costs , but I am out of work due to my medical sitiuation .

Any little bit helps. Thank you and god bless..


I'm an Egyptian painter , writer , freelance Egyptology lecturer and dolls artist...Art is my world

I'm an Egyptian painter , writer , freelance Egyptology lecturer and dolls artist...Art is my world

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John Adamian
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