Urgent need 😢

Fundraising campaign by Waheed bhatt
  • US$0.00
    raised of $12,000.00 goal goal
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So much need urgent hi am jasmin from India There is a problem in our house since 2 years, my husband is sitting idle and he is sick remainly and I have a small child. The condition of our house is bad, everything is broken, rain water is inside the house. My husband has got a lot of debt in these two years, he lives in a lot of depression. I don't understand what to do. Every time I am afraid that he may give his life😭😭😭. Borrowers come to the house again and again. I got very upset because of this. Everyday I pray that I get help from somewhere or some other way, may God send someone to help us. Now this is the only way for me to get donation so that our problem will end. May God rest my troubles and make you all a means to overcome my troubles, God bless you all


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raised of $12,000.00 goal
0% Funded
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No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities