Unsung Heroes 2022

Fundraising campaign by Team Ferreira
  • €200.00
    Donated So Far
Raised offline: €2,200.00
Total: €2,400.00
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Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/UnsungHeroes2022

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/unsungheroes2022/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unsungheroes22

BREAK THE CHAINS FB PAGE: https://www.facebook.com/FacesOfHopeDocumentaries

Quick Summary

Unsung Heroes 2022 is raising funds and awareness for volunteers and efforts who are trying to assist the displaced animals and pets in Ukraine as a result of this war. There is not much focus on these poor animals, and much of the physical donations made exclude pet food etc.

Break the Chains are on the ground in Ukraine taking in pet food and also rescuing displaced animals at the same time, giving them shelter.




Please read further:

We are seeing the unification of the free world in response to the absolute devastation caused by the Russian regime on the free country of Ukraine. On one side we see the absolute destruction that our human race is capable of, but on the other hand, we are also seeing the free world unite behind Ukraine as private people, corporations and governments flood aid and assistance into the affected region.

As a family, we were preparing our own aid package to deliver to the collection point in our city, but we have been told that we should hold onto it for now because the delivery of aid by ordinary people has been overwhelming. I have seen the same messages on the news channels as collection points are inundated with aid for Ukraine. The collection points are just not able to process everything at this stage.

As this war continues we as a family started really questioning ourselves as to how we can help the situation. I was even prepared to drive to the Polish/ Ukraine Border to try and assist or volunteer to help, drive people or do anything else we can. But the authorities on the ground have stated that there are so many people who are already there that more people coming to these areas will just cause chaos.

We started this project to raise awareness around the volunteers who are giving so much of themselves to assist the victims of this war, but I have been asked several times about exactly who we are going to support directly.

On 10 March 2022, I was watching Sky News and Kay Burley was interviewing Tom from a media organisation called Break the Chains. They are a group of UK military veterans who have taken it upon themselves to assist a very special yet overlooked part of the Ukrainian “population” - the pets.

We have seen on television, the concerted efforts to evacuate some of the zoos in Ukraine, and we have seen many pictures on TV of people evacuating carrying their pets with them, dogs, cats, and other animals. But there are still many people who remain in Ukraine who have pets and animals. One of the major issues is getting pet food for these animals inside Ukraine. Most of the donations being received excludes pet food - BUT this is not the major problem. There are thousands of animals that have been displaced because of the war. We know what the effects of fireworks are to our own animals - imagine this barrage of the bombing that is occurring.

Tom and his team have a base of operations in Romania, and they are going into Ukraine with pet food. Whilst they are there they are rescuing any pets that have been displaced and they return them to animal shelters to try and protect them.

Pet food and money is desperately needed for their effort. We will be donating all funds we receive on this page to Break the Chains until we identify any other people that also need our attention.

We are asking you to donate money or pet food for this cause.

You can donate directly on this page or you can go to the Facebook Page of Break the Chains. We request that you contact us too as we know that Tom and his team are on the ground in Ukraine.

Break the chains: https://www.facebook.com/FacesOfHopeDocumentaries



  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Mar 07, 2022
Amount Hidden
  • Nick Curtin
  • Donated on Mar 05, 2022
  • Humanity will always win!!


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Donors & Comments

2 donors
  • Anonymous
  • Donated on Mar 07, 2022
Amount Hidden
  • Nick Curtin
  • Donated on Mar 05, 2022
  • Humanity will always win!!



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Donated So Far
Raised offline: €2,200.00
Total: €2,400.00

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