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My name is Shantay. I am nineteen years old and live in Jamaica. I am a hardworking student who has achieved many academic awards since basic school to high school. I've been a honor student in high school and I have graduated as the Valedictorian in 2016. My average GPA would be a 3.8 but I've gotten above in some occasions. My lowest GPA is 3.6 out of 4. I've topped all my classes for 8 years in a row out of 15 years of school until I topped my last year in high school making it nine times topping the grades.

I have been accepted into one of the top Universities in my country and is currently pursuing a BSc. in Entrepreneurship. However, my family is unable to to support my studies financially. I have applied for scholarships and student loans but I was unsuccessful. Most of the university resources have been withdrawn from me since I haven't paid any fees as yet which is frustrating. I am unable to access the library, get an ID access the wifi or any notes. I am doing six modules and the fees accumulated are over JMD$200K. I will have to quit school if it isn't paid and that will be a terrible situation for me. My academical achievements have always been the only thing I feel proud of myself for and I won't know what else to do.

Education is very valuable in achieving one's goals. I want to become an entrepreneur and the programme that I'm studying will provide advanced knowledge and steps to be taken to achieve that goal. Not only do I want to provide for myself and family but also for my country and possibly the world. I want to give back and provide employment for the youths in my country. I've personally experienced what it's like to be a new graduate and lack work experience which makes me unable to get a job. Most vacancies requires job experience which most youths lack when they just entered the working world.

Therefore, if I succeed in gathering the funds, I can start on my journey in learning how to help myself and others so please help me.


  • Shantay Siddo
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $2,000.00 goal
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