Help for Typhoon Victims in the Philippines

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On October 26, Typhoon Goni known as Super Typhoon Rolly was a very powerful tropical cyclone that made a landfall as a Category 5 (highest local level) equivalent on Catanduanes in Philippines.

Long-story short, it has devastated some provinces of the Philippines in the South Luzon area which has affected thousands of families. It has shown no mercy as it destroyed houses and left hundreds of casualties.

Just after 2 weeks, on November 11, 2020. Another typhoon named Typhoon Ulysses has made landfall on the Philippine soil only this time the coverage has broadened affecting a large portion of the island of Luzon. Mighty wind gust has felt in the entire Metro Manila area causing damages and victimized the people again.

Rivers has reached it's critical levels flooding homes and families across the island. I have experienced this Typhoon as I am living within Metro Manila as well but am luckier as my home kept me safe and my family.

I'm sorry, but PLEASE NOTE that displayed photo is only take from the social media, I don't have photos to show but please look these typhoons up online and in social medias.

So I am reaching out to the world to spare some help for my countrymen to help with their basic needs such as food, clothings, medicines, etc.

We also need your prayers for our safety and to get through this hard times.

I thank you all in advance. God bless and stay safe.


A Filipino citizen from Mero Manila

A Filipino citizen from Mero Manila

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