Train People to get that Job!

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    raised of $4,000.00 goal goal
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Hi Everyone! Help us fund our business idea which aims to create jobs and empower every individual especially the Out of School Youth and the less-privileged to continue their college education. Or you can be one of our business partners. For specific details, please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Help us start and build this start-up company that will provide trainees with an onsite course specifically designed to take complete beginners to near hire level faster than any other method.

We will provide learnings on the job process from initial to final interviews, improve speech and grammar and neutralize accents, etc.

All trainees would then be assisted to find suitable employers with referrals to partner Contact Centers.

This start-up aims to create a company that is dedicated to the professional development of individuals in the BPO and call center industry. This will aim to offer a comprehensive call center training curriculum to fit the needs of those people who would like to work as a call center agent or work on any related fields.

Furthermore, it aims to promote job excellence and hone world-class workforce who will be future leaders in the global Contact Centers and Business Process Outsourcing Industry.

Let us all help create a community where every individual has the ability to produce income and be stable to avoid dole-outs from the government and other unfortunate consequences.


  • Stephen John Palomaria

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raised of $4,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities