Our Children Has Right To Be Alive

Fundraising campaign by Imran Hossen
  • US$0.00
    raised of $12,000.00 goal goal
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In different parts of my country, I work relentlessly to ensure that children grow up healthy and enjoy a happy childhood. Even today, every year 120000 children in our country die before their fifth birthday. A child under five years of age dies mostly due to preventable causes such as infections and malnutrition.

So I donate $20000 Every year to serve polio in my district. But this year I don't have enough money to donate. I can donate only $5000 this year. But this polio campaign almost depended on me. I have $5000 to donate my friend give me $2000. Now I need more than $12000 to run this campaign within 28 Mar. Because of campaign will start in April.

Kindly help us to run this polio serving campaign and save some life together. If you don't have money to donate, then please share this story become part of our team.

Thank You.


  • Imran Hossen
  • Campaign Owner
  • BD

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raised of $12,000.00 goal
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