The right for education!

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All people on earth should have the right for education. 

We have started this fundraiser for an education trip to Africa. We will build a school in Ethiopia and give it to the community. Our goal is that all the girls in the neighborhood should have the right for a place in a school. We will pay for the education of the teachers and pay for all the construction and expenses of the project and therefore seek your commitment.

Why did we choose Ethiopia?

  • The drop-out in Ethiopia is more then 15%.
  • Teaching is undervalued and underpaid as a profession and this was not helped by the selection procedure. Prior to 2010, students with lower achievement at grade 10 could go to a Teacher Training Institute (TTI) or a College of Teacher's Education (CTE) for a certificate or diploma. This is no a good way to go. This will lower the quality all over and Ethiopia will go back to the stoneage.
  • Globally, younger children are at greater risk from physical violence while older children are more likely to suffer from sexual violence. Boys are more at risk from physical violence than girls, while girls may face neglect and sexual violence. Patriarchal attitudes perpetuate women's inferior status and increase violence against women. Many of Ethiopia's different ethnic groups share a culture of patriarchal norms and values. Girls are socialized to be shy and obedient and not to speak in front of adults, particularly in front of men. The focus is on her future role as obedient wife and good mother.

We have a few University students behind us in this project. Thanks to:

University of Sidney, Australia:
Linnaeus University, Sweden:
Michigan State University, USA:
KTH Stockholm, Sweden:

More to come. We are in the beginning of this project and if we can start with our goal we have to get 5500EUR for projecting and finding a location and start contacting constructors. We will have volunteers on location 24/7 to make sure no money is lost, sent as corruptions or spent on something not necessary. 


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raised of €5,500.00 goal
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