Teeth Braces & Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction

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Raised offline: ₱100.00
Total: ₱100.00
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I'm Lyn, currently studying as a college student and I'm graduating nect year april 2019. My family is in a category of middle class, and my mom is a single mom. (We barely afford my tuition but thanks to my relatives I got it through. ) So really we can't afford braces for my teeth. Since I was a kid I have dental problems, my mouth is too small for my big teeth and because of that they ended up growing abnormal. Growing up I always get teased because of my teeth, and I always cover my mouth whenever I laugh or I always smile with my mouth close. It's really hard to for me to smile freely and other than that I have problems in pronunciation such s, h, and w. As you can see my 2 front tooth is abnormal. 35143814_1544116127418104_r.jpegin the present, I have a impacted wisdom teeth. And it really needs a surgery. and as you can see in the lower right I have other abnormal tooth other than the 2 frontal tooth.
35143814_154411610565492_r.jpegGrowing up with multiple abnormal growth of teeth really downgrades my confidence and self esteem more than that it also affects how the way I pronouns and speak. I'm really shy about this making a go fund for myself because my friends and classmate might laugh and mock me for this. I want just want to smile freely. Without anyone commenting or teasing me because of my teeth, without resisting smiling with my mouth showing my teeth and smiling freely when taking my picture. So please help me to achieve this before my graduation. I want to smile freely and look good in my graduation photo.


  • Lyn Indoso
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of ₱40,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors
Raised offline: ₱100.00
Total: ₱100.00

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