surgery for my dog

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I have a 6 year old dog, she`s sweet and very energetic.. Loves lots of cuddles and likes to speak her mind. Unfortunately a tumor is growing behind ear, it was tiny at first but after a year it grew. After talking to a vet, the estimated cost of her surgery is $300. I have a job but I live paycheck to paycheck, the money I earn is enough to buy food for me and my 7 other dogs and some stray cats, pay for bills. I have been trying so hard to look for other jobs so I can save but I havent heard from them. I am hoping that someone will take pity on us, as small as $1 will mean a lot to us.. It so sad looking at her wearing an e-collar for a few months now to protect the tumor (because she scratches it sometimes).. Thank you and God bless..


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raised of $300.00 goal
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