Support the homeless Abas dream of becoming an Accountant

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A little Story About Me Abas Gafar Olaoniye

I'm Abas Gafar Olaoniye from Nigeria, I am 23 years old. It's really difficult for people like my self to get enrolled in the universities of Nigeria where I hail, especially without financial support from the family .I am 23 and I have been independent since high school. After high school in 2016,I have to work as a waitress for 3year to pay my high school fees so I could get access to my results and also save some for my university. This circumstances have rendered many unable to live up to their dreams and goals. “…every year I am asked to resubmit new evidence to prove that my mother is dead and I still have no contact with my father.”

University is so competitive you have to get high grades in order to get support.In my part of the world you would realize that accommodation is more expensive than fees,so it's a big problem. Surly can’t concentrate in lectures because all I will think about is how I will be able to pay for rent and food.

We talk about disability, differences in race, sexuality and religion but not about differences in family situations. Instead, we are all just bombarded with what is apparently normal. I think people are afraid of the idea of estrangement. People think that I must be an awful person to not talk to my family, or to be rejected by my family.

I have been strong, hopeful and try so much to realize my dream of becoming an Accountant, I'm getting weak because it's really hard to get the support I needed.

Please help me realize my dream of becoming an Accountant by supporting with the fund I needed to reach my goal 🙏

Thanks for your love and support, I'm grateful 🙇 and God bless you all 🙏❤️✌️💯


  • Abas Gafar Olaoniye

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