Studying abroad

Fundraising campaign by Maria B
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Hi everyone. First of all, thank you for taking the time to read this.

I'm an Architecture student who's just moved abroad to finish my studies. As long as I love the experience of living abroad and learning from a new culture, the expenses are way higher that what I can bare right now. I have come to a point where I barely have enough savings in my account to make it through another month, let along the rest of the academic year. I'm asking for help to pay for my student loans and rent, because I don't make enough even working at the same time that studying. I'm sorry to even ask for help, but I'm desperate because I really love the degree I'm taking but I won't be able to finish it if my finances don't get better.

So yet again, thank you so much for taking the time. Any help is highly appreciated.

All the love


  • Maria B
  • Campaign Owner

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