Start A New Life

Fundraising campaign by Jade Ryes
  • US$0.00
    raised of $35,000.00 goal goal
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My whole life I have been treated like a slave for my family ( my own mother especially) . I had no say in anything, I am not allowed to live independently, I am a prisoner in my own home, and that is all thanks to Saudi Arabia's guardianship laws that prevents me and many women from living. I am 30 years old and yet I still need permission to own property, live independently, and drive which is funny since they allowed women to drive but they still need permission from their male guardian to do so. Furthermore, I have been threatened by my own parents that if I do not agree to marry the man they have chosen for me, they will throw me in Jail for disobedience. Not to mention that I am not Muslim and I fear for my life if anyone found out since the punishment for apostasy is death. It has affected my mental well-being, my stress, depression and anxiety keeps on deteriorating. I also keep having suicidal thoughts, and how could I not when everyone around me are against me and would sell me out for the good of their country.

I fear for my life and my little sister's if we stay here for long. For people saying that the situation is improving for women in Saudi Arabia are either ignorant or delusional, and I am a proof of that fact.

I implore you to help me gather enough money for (tickets, visa, immigration fees (Asylum), accommodation) for me and my little sister to seek asylum in Canada.
which would estimate to about 35000$

Thank you all very much.

For further questions on my situation you can add me on discord chat


  • Jade Ryes
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $35,000.00 goal
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