Slum To School

Fundraising campaign by gig101
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    Donated So Far
Raised offline: $120.00
Total: $120.00
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Our Vision

To transform the society by empowering disadvantaged children to realize their full potential.


Our Mission

To harness resources towards bridging the enrollment gap into schools between Orphans/Vulnerable out-of-school children and children in school, through the provision of educational scholarships, medical support programs and other psycho-social support programs such as:


1. Net A Child Campaign

This is an enormous campaign against malaria. Malaria is still endemic in many slums, sometimes taking the lives of millions of children yearly. The Net-A-Child Campaign seeks to provide counseling support, advocacy, and insecticide treated nets free medical treatment for children and adults living in the slums.


2. Photograph A Child

This project aims at creating various stories using pictures, of disadvantaged children in rural areas. Partners provide their personal contacts, listening ears, absorbing heart and ready lenses in partnership. It is a project organized with a team of professional photographers and volunteers which also serves as a means to provide beneficiaries beautiful images of their childhood which can serve as reference document in their adult stage after they have made significant progress in their education and general lives.


3. Teacher’s Appreciation

Teachers are great tutors who train and guide to understand and choose a better life to live; we can’t do without appreciating and encouraging them. This is set aside to appreciate the teachers and also have a few discussions on the progress, challenges and possible ways of addressing issues. This encourages the teachers so they know we appreciate and acknowledge them.


4. Christmas in a Box

It is our greatest joy at Slum 2 School to put smiles and hope on the faces of these children. Every festive season, this volunteer-driven strategy is used to get gift boxes, provisions and food stuffs from individuals, captains of industries, and other concerned citizens. Each of these boxes contains gift items for children. In December 2012, when we had the first edition, we got close to 1000 boxes and we distributed to children in Ajegunle, Makoko, and Bariga slums in Lagos state. It was a memorable day and to many of the children, their best Christmas celebration ever. This, we intend to organise every year and even extend our tentacles to other slums in Nigeria.


5. Healthy Lifestyle

This program seeks to train and teach the kids how to imbibe and live a healthy lifestyle. Volunteers both professional and community based teach the kids how to brush their teeth, wash their uniforms, take their bath, comb their hair, wash their socks. At the end of the session combs, tooth paste, tooth brushes, bathing and washing soaps are distributed to the kids.



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Donated So Far
Raised offline: $120.00
Total: $120.00

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