Single Mom in Need

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I am a single mom to a 4 year old boy and has been working for 4 years now but still does not have savings. Unfortunately, despite having a stable job, my salary isn't enough to sustain a family of 3 (my mom included since she has been the one taking care of my son and is currently unemployed). With this, I have been racking up debt that I'm unable to fully pay off. Thus, the salary comes in only to be put into the debts and then loan money again for our consumption. It's a vicious cycle that I want to get out off.

On top of that, I wan't to change careers but in nowhere near financially stable to do so. So the money I'll be getting will help me stir my career in the direction that I've always wanted. I got pregnant pretty young and didn't really have the opportunity to choose my career. It just so happens that I'm good at what I do now but is not necessarily living the dream. Not that I am ungrateful but I just want my life to be lived to the fullest.

I'm hoping that people out there would understand the struggle of having to raise a child alone. He is a brilliant young kid who deserves good education since he will be starting school soon. I also want to be the best possible person that I can be so I can be better parent to my child.


  • Alixxa Audrey Matsuoka
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of ₱175,000.00 goal
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