sick my dog, some one help

Fundraising campaign by Torikul sani
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    raised of $20,000.00 goal goal
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Dear friends, family and animal lovers,

most of you know that we living for the last 5 years in Thailand and taking care for now 7 dogs and 1 cat. Living in paradise brought us ups and many downs and a daily life battle, so we decided to move to Germany to give all of us a more secure life.

Thailand is over populated with dogs, caused threw the believe of Buddhist people that spaying dogs is a intervention in the nature. This is why you can see so many dogs all over Thailand who are suffering, dieng from diseases, hunger, poisening or got hit from a car. All our dogs which one was and are still in our care, wouldn’t have survived without us, so this is how we ended up now with 7 of them.Off course we wiould never leave our animals behind, as they wouldn’t have any chance to survive without us and it would break there and our heart. But to move all of us we need your help to support us to cover the cost of the medical treatment and the flight to Germany.

Please help us to start a new and better life for our animals and us, each single baht or euro will help us to reach our goal.


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Torikul sani
raised of $20,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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