Self Sustaining and Family

Fundraising campaign by Cecilia Yi
  • US$0.00
    raised of $10,000.00 goal goal
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I will be completing my degree by end of 2018 and I have zero savings due to most of my salary is used for my university fees. I am actively looking for a job that meets my passion in the field of education but it seems like a tough competition. I plan to leave my current job once I am done with uni as I do not wish to pursue my career in the current job field. Any balance of this funding will be given to local charity nearby!


I'm a twenty something y/o who needs some financial aid. If anyone would be kind enough to help, it will be very much appreciated. NOT KIDDING!

I'm a twenty something y/o who needs some financial aid. If anyone would be kind enough to help, it will be very much appreciated. NOT KIDDING!

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raised of $10,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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