Saving energy is much easier than extracting it

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Dear Friends and Supporters,

I am writing to you today to appeal for your help in raising funds for a crowdfunding campaign. As an experienced engineer, I have a passion for making the world a better place, and I believe that energy efficiency is one of the most important steps we can take to achieve this goal

To that end, I am seeking funds to purchase equipment that will help me detect heat loss in buildings and identify areas where energy efficiency improvements can be made. This equipment includes a blower door, a thermal imager, a thermometer, a u-value device, and much more.

With this equipment, I will be able to offer energy audits and efficiency assessments to homeowners, businesses, and organizations in my community. By identifying areas where energy is being wasted, I can help these individuals and groups save money on their energy bills and reduce their carbon footprint. Over time, these small steps can add up to a big impact, both for the environment and for the bottom line of those who participate.

To realize my dream, I, as an engineer, have assembled from the available tools and equipment a system that allows me to partially perform these actions (you can see it in the photo below)

But in order to obtain the necessary documents and the ability to issue a certificate of origin for a leak test, I need to have a blower door from licensed manufacturers. also, it is necessary to have:

1. Blower Door

2. A professional thermal imager



5. Balometer, etc

As an engineer, I am committed to using the latest technology and best practices to help my clients achieve their energy efficiency goals. With your support, I can purchase the equipment I need to take this work to the next level.

Please consider making a donation to this crowdfunding campaign. Every dollar counts, and your support will help me make a real difference in the lives of people in our community and beyond. Together, we can build a better, more sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Thank you for your consideration and your support.


Cultuclu Serghei


  • Serghei Cultuclu

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