My Aunt Needs Brain Surgery

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My Aunt has a SUBARACHNOID HEMORRHAGE DUE TO ANEURYSM (Subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is a life-threatening type of stroke caused by bleeding into the space surrounding the brain. SAH can be caused by a ruptured aneurysm.)

My Aunt needs an immediate Endovascular treatment, COILING, as soon as possible. Unfortunately, we don’t have funds to proceed to this operation hence we are asking for kindness and generosity of everyone’s heart.

Words cannot express how much my Aunt means to me and to the rest of our family. My Aunt is a God fearing woman. She is loving, caring and full of thoughtfulness. She's a very talkative person. You could think of her as someone who knows everything. She prioritise the people around her before attending to her self. She's only 64 years old. We love her so much. We want her to live longer.

Again, I would like to reach out to the hearts of the people reading this and please help my aunt in her battle.

Patient: Sandra Carranza Carrillo
Age: 64

*Photo with her daughter Samantha, taken first week of May 2020


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