save the christian in east

Fundraising campaign by gunjan sanadhya
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We are helping Christians in Iraq

The Rebel News Network Ltd. is going to the refugee camps in Northern Iraq to see the Christian refugees, ancient Christians, called Chaldean Christians, who still pray in Aramaic, the language of Jesus himself.

They’re fleeing ISIS — Muslim terrorists who kill Christian men and rape Christian women and girls as young as nine years old.

This is a jihad, a Muslim holy war against Christians.

Why are we in Iraq?

To do the reporting nobody else will.

We always hear about Muslim refugees. But no-one is committing a genocide against Muslims. There are 50 Muslim countries in the world. But Christians are being ethnically cleansed throughout the middle east. That gets a tiny fraction of the media attention, and none of the political attention. Why? Because they’re Christian.

Who will save the Christians?

We will do our part. I’m bringing a team with me. Faith Goldy, the outstanding investigative journalist, passionate Christian. And three videographers. We’re going to do this right.

We’re going to tell the story that hasn’t properly been told yet: the deliberate ethnic cleansing of the oldest Christian community in the world — in the Biblical land of Nineveh. By the Islamic State.

We want to tell the story journalistically — we’ll give updates from the ground. But we also want to make a world-class documentary film, of a quality that we could distribute through a major network.

How can you help?

We’re bringing thousands of dollars worth of food hampers for the camp — enough to provide for 750 families. It’s going to cost us approximately $10,000 US dollars. But that's not all.

I want to raise a million dollars for whoever is making the biggest difference on the ground. But I want to see it with my own eyes and make sure the cheque isn't being embezzled or wasted.

Can we really raise a million?

I know that sounds nuts. But it shouldn’t be. That’s how much money the UN spends every two hours on Muslim refugees from the region — and they’re not facing a genocide.

The Christians who are stranded in the region — they can’t even go to the UN-run refugee camps, because they are attacked there too, by Muslim extremists.

Muslim refugees are well taken care of — by the UN, by Angela Merkel, by Justin Trudeau, by the media.

So we’re launching this crowdfunding site to take care of the forgotten ones. Will you please help us?

If not you, then who? And if not now, then when?

Let’s see if we can save one life. Or maybe, if we can raise a million dollars, let's see if we can help save hundreds of lives. Let’s see if we can help save this Christian community from genocide.


  • gunjan sanadhya
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of $15,000.00 goal
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