Save my Business

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Hi, my name is kelvin ndegwa am 31 years old from Nairobi Kenya. Let me tell you abit about my story, i grew in a small town in the central legion known as Nyeri, 151.5km from the Capital city Nairobi,i have one older brother who lives in Nairobi as well. Growing up we didn't have much, but we did have a loving family, had roof over our heads , went to school, church on sunday, happy family, but time moves fast , had to grow up , move out of my fathers house , be my own man, start my own family which i did actually, i have a beautiful daughter, beautiful loving wife by my side. But life has it's own ways of making you feel like that isn't enough, i live in a town called Thika town with my wife and child , just a few kilometers from Nairobi. That's where i felt my heart was at peace and i could build my life and make a name for myself in this town, started a retail business back in 2020, selling women clothes (thrift shop), but corona virus made business very hard to keep up, not making enough money to pay all my bills,feed my family and still maintain running business, it was hard, i did all i could, borrowed money to stay open, which i still pay to this day. Coronavirus virus hit me hard, struggled to keep everything intact, business was slowly sinking away, i borrowed more and more, which wasn't making life any easier because people weren't buying clothes at that time, everyone was saving up for what's to come next ,but eventually i caught a little break when things slowly started getting back to normal later in 2021,but i still owed alot of money it wasn't enough, I don't want to close up shop,this is all we have, sales are average, i have rents to pay, family to feed , money to pay back, money to restock, i tried to keep up, i really did, but it gets to much to do it on your own, that's why I'm here, asking for help, I'm at a point where i need help now to save my Business, i ask you please help me,i will be forever great ful, if i can get enough captain to stock up my business add more things to sell, pay off my lenders, pay my rents and just having not to worry about money and where our next meal is coming from all the time.PLEASE YOUR SURPORT WILL BE HIGHLY APPRECIATED FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.



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  • Kelvin Ndegwa

Name is Kelvin ndegwa, 31 years from kenya , business man and family man.

Name is Kelvin ndegwa, 31 years from kenya , business man and family man.

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