Ryan Elger: A warrior battling Multiple Sclerosis

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A warrior. Strong, courageous and brave. That has always been the image that's imprinted on us everytime we think of Elger. A son that knows how to fight but turns soft for his family. A leader that stands firm with his principles but knows how to lower walls if it means being a good comrade.A friend that may be high on a pedestal but always have that shoulder you can reach and rely on. And a person, brave and strong that even a disease can't break his spirit.

As his will and spirit may be strong, it's his body that turned out to be vulnerable. He was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a disease that disables the central nervous system. A disease wherein the immune system that is supposed to protect the body, is the one that attacks its own tissues.

These attacks came with different complications focusing on the central nervous system. It included paralysis, slurred speech, complete blindness and other risky effects.

Now on it's primary progressive stage, this MS maybe consuming all his strength but there is still hope. No matter how small the chances are, he and we will still hold on. Warriors don't just give up. Thru the help of prayers and medication, we can still prolong the life of Elger. But as a phalanx consists of several warriors, we need your help. This campaign is primarily made for the medication of Elger and also to help his family. By giving any amount, it can go a very long way. This can help Elger and his family to rise up to this challenge.

All proceeds of this campaign will be given to Ryan Elger and his family. Nothing more, nothing less.

This small act of kindness will become someone else's additional thread of life and we, his batchmates, in behalf of the Tortal family, will always be grateful to God for giving you as His blessing.


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Ross Yvanne Vivar
raised of ₱500,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

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