rude kitchen

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Raised offline: €120.00
Total: €120.00
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I am not typical cooking blogger. I am a passionate chef who shares my love for food through my blog. Like many people, I gained weight during the pandemic, but I managed to shed off almost 20 kg and I still enjoy delicious meals. Taste is everything to me, and I believe that healthy food can be just as flavorful as any other dish. My recipes are all about maximizing taste while minimizing calories. I am constantly experimenting with plant-based cuisine, which is often criticized for being bland, but I have found ways to make it exciting and delicious. I believe that food should be enjoyed, and I am here to prove that healthy eating doesn't have to be boring or tasteless. Join me on my culinary journey and discover how you can indulge in your favorite foods without compromising your health.

I want to show people that plant-based cooking can be just as flavorful and satisfying as any other cuisine.

My aim is to show that healthy eating can be delicious, and that it doesn't have to be expensive or complicated. To achieve this, I need your support. I am seeking funding on a crowdfunding platform to help me with work on my cooking and intilifestyle blog that focuses on healthy, tasty, and affordable plant-based recipes. I will also share my journey towards a healthier lifestyle, including tips on exercise and mental well-being. I believe that everyone deserves access to healthy and delicious food, regardless of their budget or cooking skills. With your help, I can make this a reality. Thank you for considering my project.


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Donated So Far
Raised offline: €120.00
Total: €120.00

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