Stage 4 rare cancer patient needs continuous funding

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Raised offline: ₱200,000.00
Total: ₱200,000.00
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A good provider, a dedicated husband and a loving father of 3 children has been suddenly stricken with terminal cancer stage 4. He was diagnosed with sarcoma last year and has undergone surgery, radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He has lost a significant amount of weight and was given a feeding tube and continuous oxygen. He has been receiving several treatments and has been hospitalized repeatedly both in Chinese General and St. Lukes Qc and now in NKTI due to complications of his cancer. So far we have spent more than 4 million pesos since his diagnosis. He has spent several weeks at hospitals and will continue to stay there for his chemo cycle and further testing. Although our father has been diligently working his entire life and has been living comfortably enough, we would like to ask well wishers for prayers and the family is now open for any kind of assistance from friends and generous souls to help us fund his treatment continuously here or abroad. He is only 63 years old and we are doing our best to manage his pain and our aim is to support his medications and palliative care throughout. We firmly believe prayers can move mountains and support from friends can greatly affect his recovery.

PS If you wish to donate directly by bank, please contact me or for anonymous cash donations you may deposit to..


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Donated So Far
Raised offline: ₱200,000.00
Total: ₱200,000.00

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