Real Estate

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  1. Kampala City, Uganda is struggling with a Housing Deficit which is compounding each

    year and creating market distortions that threaten to derail recent economic success and destabilize

    the social fabric of the community. Majority of government and private developers who come up with new housing are only providing units affordable to Kampala’s minority of wealthy and well connected elites. Majority of Kampala’s residents are low and middle income earners who currently live in unplanned slum neighborhoods that consist of mostly informal housing. Inflating land values, exorbitant infrastructure costs and the lack of affordable home finance mechanisms are preventing the delivery of affordable housing to the majority of city residents.

    It is therefore upon these factors that i came up with an idea of having a project that cuts across allthe city residents regardless of their incomes. Every day, people strive to live better, in so doing, they will look for a comfortable place to stay.

  2. Rentals in Uganda are constructed for either businesses or homesteads. Very many people have gained from constructing rentals and have improved on their standards of living. Rentals whether built for business or other things are a big earning since most people after completion of university do not want to go back home and they end up renting.


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raised of $30,000.00 goal
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