Razer Blade Pro gaming laptop

Fundraising campaign by Nino Marvin Navida
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Raised offline: ₱500.00
Total: ₱500.00
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Razer Blade Pro - Full HD (GTX 1060) - 256GB

Hi! My name is Nino Marvin Navida. This is my very 1st time to try gogetfunding.com.

I know buying a The New Razer Blade Pro - Full HD (GTX 1060) - 256GB is quite expensive and I can’t afford it. There’s more important things to prioritize my savings like family financial needs, and etc. So there’s no way I could buy this best gaming laptop and not even a chance anytime in my human life span.

I’d be happy maybe someday I could get my hands on this amazing laptop. I’m an avid player of any free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) video game like LOL, DOTA2, RAGNAROK, and etc.

Best wishes and thank you for all donators and backers!


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Nino Marvin Navida
Donated So Far
Raised offline: ₱500.00
Total: ₱500.00

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