Hope packages for the needy families in Gaza

Fundraising campaign by Toshihiro Obayashi
  • US$0.00
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At least 1.3 million Palestinians in the Gaza Strip suffer from hunger, according to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the middle East (UNRWA).

A long and cruel siege and constant attacks resulting a destruction of homes and infrastructure, extreme poverty, and traumas remain the daily bread of Palestinians in Gaza , and the poverty has exceeded the logical limits .!

The difficult conditions afflicting Gaza, which left their impact on the entire population, had a double and tragic impact on the families lived in Gaza camps , The words don't even begin to explain how heartbreaking their situation is .they are suffering in silence andare just trying to survive, but they our need help and support .. With this campaign , we will help them by distributing food packages and alleviate some of their suffering ..

With your generous contribution , we continue to provide our services and help the poor people in Gaza to build a better future and alleviate their suffering , Please kindly , donate and share ♥

Fundraising Team

  • Toshihiro Obayashi
  • Campaign Owner
  • Issa Areda
  • Palestinian Philanthropy

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Zain Zain
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