Portable shower for my friends cousin only need 50€

Fundraising campaign by Patrick j
  • €0.00
    raised of €251.00 goal goal
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For the people who do not want to read all the text my friend's cousin is 20 and her mom (which died of cancer 2 years ago) bought the apartment with no shower and I am trying to help them. I need donations as soon as possible.

I will buy them a camping shower because they can't build the normal shower (they haven't got permission).
The money will go directly for the shower and the shipping (i will not get any money). If some money stays I will be sure to buy them some accessories for them.

I think no one should suffer that kind of living conditions, especially in the winter with freezing nights.

Please Share this story with your friends and the people you know that can help!


  • Patrick j
  • Campaign Owner

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raised of €251.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities