Please help us survive

Fundraising campaign by John Daniel Delima
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Hi, I am Daniel, we are a family of three (Mom, Me, Sister) My dad left us since I was a kid. Since then, we three, support each other in terms of emotions, encouragements, and financially. All of us have work until 2023 strikes.

My mom was affected by the supposed bankruptcy of their company and she is one of those people who got lay off from their work. We are so sad since my mom is already 57 years old and she didn't reach the retirement age and she didn't get her retirement fund. My sister works for a small clinic and she only have low salary that isn't enough for us to get by for a month.

Before, I am working as an admin assistant (contract of service) in a government last year 2023. I needed to quit because I do not have the required certificate to stay in the organization. If I don't quit, eventually they will have to terminate me. That is why I had no choice but to look for other work.

It is nearly one year, my mom and I still do not have a job and my sister cannot sustain all of our needs (house rent, we are already 2 months behind and if we missed the next, we will be evicted) We only eat once a day and still, we struggle to have that one meal. My mom is having a hard time to find another company because of her age, and trying to get money just for us to get by everyday by asking change to someone else. (this really hurt me so much) as for me, I am walking at least 10km without water or food just to get to an interview. I have a part - time job (Php 5500 monthly = $98 monthly) I already applied for 50+ applications for a full time job on a variety of company but still I cannot land a job but I am not giving up for the sake of our family for 10months and counting. I am very eager to get back on track.

But i need help just for us to get by, I am knocking to your hearts. I need financial help for our daily and monthly expenses especially my Mom and my sister both have medicine maintenance. My mom have highblood pressure and my sister also need medicine for highblood and thyroid (She also have this Sinus Tachycardia). My sister need the maintenance more since if she don't take her medicine, her condition will get worsen. please help us.

Monthly house rent: Php 9,000 = $161

Monthly Bills: Php 5000 = $90

Monthly Medicine Maintenance = Php 8000 = $142

Other expenses (including all backlog bills etc for 3 months) = Php 60,000 = $ 1069

I posted some of our good memory (we seldom eat outside so we take a picture) I also post their multiple medicines and my video that I am walking, going back home after an interview, I walked for 15km and have this free coffee on one of the companies that I had an interview that day.

Please help us financially, or if someone read this and can help me to find a job. please help. :( God bless. my email [email protected]

Again, I am sincerely knocking to your hearts for us to survive while we are looking for work and I pray that this next 3 months, we will now have a stable job. God bless us all.


  • John Daniel Delima
Mar 30

A picture of me

Update posted by John Daniel Delima at 05:11 pm

Asked someone to take a picture of me, after an interview. The place is beautiful. I am really starving that time but I only have Php50 on my wallet ($1) and my home is far from the location atleast 40km. I needed it for the bus fare (chose to starve

See update


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