Please help us build our house

Fundraising campaign by Stephanie Guido
  • US$0.00
    raised of $25,000.00 goal goal
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We are a humble costarican 4+1(Dad + Mom + Daughter + Son + our furry kitty) family that needs your help to get a place we can call home.

We are hard working people but it hasnt been enough. We are renting a tiny place, but it's not where I want my 6 year old brother to grow up, the one he deserves.

We require more money in order to buy a small piece of land where we can build up a little house. We've knocked on multiple doors but they've been closed. And in order to qualify for a goverment aid we need to at least have a lot. So, hopefully with your help we can reach out at least half of our fundraising goal amount so we can make it happen!

Some people create a fundraiser just to have the vacation, wedding or honeymoon of their dreams or just to buy the most recent gadget. We just need a place to call home. If you have been blessed living with better circumnstances in life, anything that your heart wants to help us with, it will be gladly appreciated.


  • Stephanie Guido

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raised of $25,000.00 goal
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