Please help to save my parents and family

Fundraising campaign by Anthony G
  • US$0.00
    raised of $36,000.00 goal goal
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Dear All,

My name is Anthony. I'm going through enourmous financial crisis. I need help to save my parents. I owe thousands of dollars in bills, loans and credit. I'm not even in a position to give medical assistance for my parents. I love my parents and want to keep them happy and safe. I'm even ready to donate my organs for any kind of help to get out of the trouble which i'm facing right now.I'm not even in a position to give medical attention to my parents. I have failed in my life completely and almost at the last stages of my life. Almost on the verge of suicide.That's what brought me here. I would greatly appreciate any help from you all and your blessings to restore my life and start new. I have lot of dreams to achieve and would never want to give up so easily. Please help me to overcome this hurdle of my life. I would be grateful to you. Thank you very much.


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raised of $36,000.00 goal
0% Funded
0 Donors

No more donations are being accepted at this time. Please contact the campaign owner if you would like to discuss further funding opportunities